The risks of overexposure to the sun are on everyone’s lips: burns, signs of premature aging such as sun spots, wrinkles or dermal dehydration… leading us to believe that the Sun is our enemy. Despite this, its light has been fundamental for the development of life and for our health since the beginning of time.
The days are getting longer, the sun is the main character in a deep blue sky, the breeze is growing warmer, and we’re shrugging off all the layers that helped us keep the cold at bay in recent months. Summer is almost here, which means our bodies start to become increasingly exposed.
Shy little white flowers bloom in the almond trees, the storks return little-by-little to the nests they abandoned in the north, the sun seems to shine more intensely and the sky has turned bluer, the day is longer and there is time to do more things, colour invades everything and we start to leave the grey coats in the back of the wardrobe… Yes, as Antonio Machado (spanish writer) said in one of his beautiful poems, “La primavera ha venido”.
At SUMMECOSMETICS, we know that love comes in all shapes and sizes (family love, romantic love, love for a friend… even self-love), and that there are as many different ways to show your affection.
One of the most beautiful ways to prove one’s love is by giving gifts. Because gifts can hide beautiful meanings behind them.
We’ve left behind the grey winter days we’re so keen to forget and we can already sense an explosion of colour that floods everything. WOW! IT’S SPRING!
The “muffin top” on the stomach, “love handles” on the waist, “saddlebags” on the hips and thighs and “banana rolls” beneath the buttocks… YES, we’re talking about that very localised accumulated fat that doesn’t respond to cosmetics, diets or exercise.
Giving or Receiving?
Experts have concluded that, when it comes to exchanging gifts, certain areas of the brain’s right hemisphere are activated, making us feel greater pleasure when we give… and not as much when we receive.
“Summer days drifting away”, as the song goes, and the leaves on the trees have turned dry and started falling, covering the ground. Do you feel like your skin’s going through the same thing? Discover the cosmetic active ingredients that will prepare your skin for autumn.
To ensure you show off a lovely, even, long-lasting, golden tan, here are some simple steps to follow.
In everyday language we refer to it as “orange-peel skin”. In medical terms, it’s known as adiposis edematosa or gynoid lipodystrophy. We’re talking about unsightly CELLULITE. Fighting it is the goal, and we tell you how.